
Coquilhas, Viroladores, Retíficas e Martelos de Inércia.

domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013


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ACP Automatic Colt Pistol

AE Action Express Exemplo: .41 AE, .50 AE;

AE Automatic Ejectors – Ejetores Automáticos;

AK 47 Sigla da denominação russa Avtomat Kalashnikova odraztzia 1947 goda – Arma Automática de Kalashnikov modelo do ano de 1947. É um Fuzil de assalto no calibre 7,62x39mm 9 mm criado em 1947 por Mikhai Kalashnikov, produzido na União Soviética pela empresa estatal IZH.

AMP: (abrev.) Auto Mag Pistol, Pistola Auto Mag;

ASM (American Society for Metals),

AV Average Velocity – velocidade média

BB Bevel Base

BBWC Bevel Base Wadcutter

BC Ballistic Coefficient

BP Bullet Pull

BPS Black Powder Silhouette

BR Bench Rest

BT Boat Tail

CAV Cavalry

CB Cast Bullet

CF Center Fire

CV Coefficient of Variation

CUP Copper Units of Pressure

DCM Dir. Civilian Marksmanship

FMJ Full Metal Jacket

FN Flat Nose

FP Flat Point

FPS Feet Per Second

GC Gas Check

HB - Hardness Brinell

HBWC Hollow Base Wadcutter

HJ Half Jacket

HP Hollow Point

HPBT Hollow Point Boat Tail

HS Hydra Shok HP (Federal)

J Jacketed Bullet

JHC Core/Cavity

JFP Jacketed Flat Point

JHP Jacketed Hollow Point

L/LB Lead Bullet

LBT Lead Bullet Technology

LD Loading Density

LOS Line of Sight

LRN Lead Round Nose

MC Metal Case

ME Muzzle Energy

MOA Minute of Angle

MR Mean Radius

MV Muzzle Velocity

NSS North-South Skirmish

OAL Over All Length

PSI Pounds Per Square Inch

R/RB Round Ball

RF Rim Fire

RN Round Nose

SAA Single Action Army

SAAMI Small Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute

SD Sectional Density or Standard Deviation

SIL Silhouette

SJ Short Jacket

SP Spire Point/Soft Point

SWC Semi-Wadcutter

SSP Single Shot Pistol

TC Truncated Cone

T/C Thompson Center Arms

TMJ Total Metal Jacket

TOF Time of Flight

WC Wadcutter

WCF Winchester Center Fire

WLN Wide Long Nose (LBT bullet design)

XTP Extreme Terminal Performance, (Hornady jacketed hollow point)

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